Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week #4 Halloween!!

The Monday before Halloween Ethan and I went to visit the girls at work, and since I work night shift we headed in right after a midnight feeding. As you can see above, Ethan is quite the ladies man!!
Here is Ethan and Tara. Not only is Tara one of my very good friends, but she was also our nurse while we were being induced.
Ethan and Ginelle with their matching outfits! Ginelle is also a good friend, and was one of the many nurses that took care of us postpartum.
A shot of Ethan relaxing with Mary! Mary was nice enough to be our personal videographer during our induction/c-section. We are extremely grateful she was able to video tape our c-section for us. It is neat to go back and watch the tape. Especially for me because I obviously couldn't see the surgery as it was happening. Most people might not want to watch, but I think it's pretty awesome!!
Here is Ethan sleeping in Kimberly's arms...awww!
Ethan really liked hanging out with Nicole. She let him have a snickers bar...see the evidence on the table?! Haha, not really but she did let him hold the wrapper for a couple of pictures. (Unfortunately the picture taken with my camera was fuzzy.)
Since we had the resources of a scale at work I decided to weight the little guy. At 9lbs 2 1/4oz I'm not so sure we can call him little guy anymore! He is still in his newborn clothes, but I have a feeling he will be too big for them very soon! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Here he is in his pumpkin costume!! I think we were definitely more excited about his costume than he was.
On Halloween we went to Ryan's parents house to pass candy and show him off to all that hadn't seen him yet.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week #3

We made a trip out to Aamodt's Apple Farm this past weekend to pick some apples, and get a pumpkin or two! Ethan slept through the entire visit.

Finally a picture of Ethan with Grandpa & Grandma O'Malley!! They also came with us to the apple orchard.

This past week has gone by quite fast. Ethan is so much more alert now. He seems to really listen to our voices when we talk to him...and he gives us the cutest little looks. Every once in awhile we even catch a glimpse of a smile. I definitely can't wait until he starts smiling on purpose!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week #2

My Grandma Schaffer meeting her great-grandson for the very first time!
They had a nice little chat.
My dad cuddling up with Ethan.

Haha, dad is definitely a kid magnet. Kids LOVE him!
Ethan snuggling with his great auntie Char.
Daddy entertaining his little buddy.
Ryan and I posing for a quick picture at my Grandma Schaffer's house. Ry is such a stud..haha!
An exhausted mommy and her sweet little baby. All of the socializing and coming and going has finally caught up to me. Along with getting no sleep and feeding Ethan every 2-3 hours.
There really is no denying that we are extremely tired! Notice how Ethan wants nothing to do with taking a picture...he's strictly interested in nursing!Ethan loves his "Kangaroo" time!!!

Well another week has gone by and we are still hanging in there. I'd have to say that this week has been more of a challenge...I think I must have been on some kind of "mommy high" the first week because I felt great; not really that tired. This week the level of exhaustion is off the charts! Between having a hemoglobin of 8.0 and feeding Ethan every 2-3hrs I have no energy...hopefully that will change by next week.

We went in for Ethan's 2wk check up at Children's Clinic on Tuesday, October 16th. He is still as healthy as can be and is a whopping 7lbs 11oz!! I once again forgot to bring my camera...that will be our goal for his 2month check-up.

I almost forgot...Ryan gave Ethan his very first bottle ever!! Ry has been patiently waiting for the chance to feed the little guy. So I decided to test out that fancy breast pump I had gotten at the hospital. Needless to say everyone went to bed happy that night!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week #1

My mom holding her very first grandchild!!

My dad holding Ethan.
My sister (Molly) even flew up from Texas for the weekend to meet her nephew!

My parents and brother stayed with us for two nights and then had to make their way back home.
Here's my baby drowning in his newborn clothes!
Our new little family!

Here are the boys hanging out.
Logan celebrated his 6th birthday on October 7th!! (October 7th was also my due date.)
Ryan chillin' with Ethan...notice the stylin' sunglasses!!

Daddy giving Ethan his first bath at home. He seems to really like his bath time. He barely fussed at all!
Both of my boys passed out after an extremely long cute are they!!?!
Here is mommy with her hungry little guy who LOVES to eat every 2-3hrs. Thankfully Ethan is a breastfeeding champ and we haven't had any problems in this department!

We had a home care nurse come out on Logan's birthday to check over Ethan & I. Ethan decided to pee on the nurse...haha I felt pretty bad for her but it was hilarious.

We also went to Ethan's 1wk appointment at Children's Clinic on Tuesday, October 9th. I unfortunately forgot to bring my camera with. They asked me questions about his feedings, dirty diapers....and they did weight check! Six days after leaving the hospital Ethan is already up to 7lbs 6oz!! Only one ounce from his birth weight...and we are just breastfeeding, no formula supplements! I am so proud!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007


Here are the the professional pictures Diane took of Ethan while we were at the hospital. We are so greatful that she was able to take such wonderful pictures for us...THANKS DIANE!!We had to take a little break during the photo session in order to nurse my hungry little monster!!

Our first pictures taken as a family!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Hospital Stay

Here I am with my little neonate...haha!
During our stay at "Hotel United" Ethan got to be the center of attention during one of Viv's photography sessions. Here is a picture of Ginelle and Diane trying to get Ethan to look picture perfect!
Ethan and his night nurse, Ginelle.
The next morning Ethan was exhausted from all of his hard work modeling during the night.
He finally decided to take a nap in daddy's arms.
Here's my little peanut sleeping...again!

Later in the afternoon Heidi Sue and Maddox came to bring us lunch and meet our little guy.
Amy & Hunter, and Dawn & Matheu also came up to visit. I LOVE this picture of our boys...they look so sweet and innocent!

We had TONS of visitors...from co-workers to family members. Ryan and I really enjoyed showing off the newest O'Malley. Thanks everyone! I heard that we did miss several people who tried to visit us Friday. I was feeling so wonderful that we decided to leave 48hrs after having a c-section! Before we left the hospital Ethan's weight was checked one last time...6lbs 11oz!!