Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's-to-be Day!!

Here are Ethan's cute little tootsies!!! He's got his left ankle crossed over the right, and he's definitely in more of a fetal position than he was previously. More proof that indeed we are having a boy!! Haha!!
This was a fun picture to take because during the ultrasound you could really see all four little chambers of his heart working!! All of these pictures were taken this morning, I am now 19 1/7wks.

This past week hasn't been the greatest. I finally went into the clinic after battling a couple of days with constant sneezing, congestion, and watery eyes. Apparently I had acquired allergies!! It took just over four extremely long days for the prescription I was given to finally kick in. Now that things are much better I no longer have to worry about hauling a box of kleenex everywhere I go.

Yesterday for Mother's Day we went to Ryan's parents house for a barbecue. The men did all of the grilling while the ladies relaxed. It was really nice having everyone together on such a beautiful day, I believe it was just over eighty degrees outside! I received my first Mother's Day present from Cindy & Joe....a bag of really nice chocolate!! What mother-to-be doesn't like chocolate?!?! Haha!!