Saturday, October 6, 2007


Ryan & I arrived for our induction at 10pm on Tuesday, October 2nd. We were admitted to room 2306 by my good friend (and nurse) Tara Johnson!! I was being induced because of the factor v leiden...the doctors like you to be off of anti-coagulants for at least 24hrs before getting an epidural or going to surgery (if that is needed).
Once we were admitted all of the fun began...starting with Dr. Huberty coming and rupturing my membranes. Then Tara started my IV so she could begin giving me pitocin to help me have some nice strong contractions. And boy does that stuff really work!! After a few hour of being on the birth ball I began to get very uncomfortable. By 3am I was asking for my epidural. I was a pretty lucky girl because Dr. Destache just happened to be on that night...and he is exceptionally good!!! Honestly, he came in my room and four minutes later he was done...what a miracle worker!! Ryan was so supportive during my epidural. Holding my hand, helping me through contractions. By the time I had actually asked for the epidural I was in so much pain I felt like I couldn't even move. Once I got comfortable both Ryan and I tried to take a nap because we both knew we had a long day ahead of us.

Long story short, a few hours later Tara came in and let me know that there were a few concerns about baby's heart rate. So we put an oxygen mask on to see if that would improve things...and we flipped sides several times. But much to my dismay Dr. Huberty called for an emergency c-section around 7am. This was not what I wanted and it all happened pretty fast, so of course I was upset. But I knew this was the best thing to do in order to have a healthy we rushed back to the operating room. While I was being prepped for surgery Ryan was putting on scrubs and having a snack. Yes a snack...haha, he almost fainted after the epidural so they wanted to make sure his blood sugar was good for surgery!

Ryan joined me in the OR and they began the c-section. Since it was change of shift Dr. Cunniff was the one who performed my surgery...I was lucky again!! He used sutures instead of the usual staples to close my much nicer!! Ryan was so wonderful...holding my hand, caressing my forehead, reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. I was extremely concerned about how Ethan was doing; I just wanted him out safely....and until I heard him cry I was a complete nervous wreck!
At 7:14am on October 3rd, 2007 Ethan Joseph O'Malley FINALLY arrived!! He was 7lb 7oz, and 19 3/4 inches long and 14inch head. The minute we heard him cry we were both overwhelmed with tears of happiness!! Ryan is the best husband and dad EVER...they told him that he could stand up and peek over the drape they had by my head to see the baby. He declined and said that he wanted to wait until I could see him too! Every time we tell our 'birth story' and we come to that part I get super emotional...its probably the hormones, but I still think that was just the sweetest thing ever.
Here's the little guy hanging out before his bath. Daddy and Ethan went to the nursery while mommy finished up in the OR and went to recovery.
Ryan let the nursery nurse do Ethan's first bath. He knew I was waiting patiently to see Ethan once again, and wanted things to be as speedy as possible!
Ethan reunited with his mommy. He is the sweetest thing on earth!!
I was feeding him whenever he would give me the signals, and that was working great. But then someone said well you should offer it to I did and he wasn't really interested and fell asleep at the boob. I looked down and his little hand was resting on me like THIS!! HAHAHA, apparently that's what he thought about being offered the breast when he wasn't wanting it!! Even though I was pretty exhausted at the time...I managed to get a good laugh out of this.
Daddy & Ethan!! Ryan was definitely enjoying his cuddle time with Ethan. He is so proud to be a dad!!


Heidi Sue said...

FINALLY! Cute pics! I'll have to get Maddox ready and head over to visit sometime soon! I can't go out to eat tomorrow because they planned it for a Wednesday this time, which means I will be playing volleyball all night. Suck! At least I love volleyball, but I was looking forward to Topas! We'll have to make a mom play date soon! I know Ethan can't really play, but we can chat away about crazy mom stuff. Glad to hear your postpartum period is going smoothly!

Heidi Sue

Julie said...

Congrats!!! I came to see Ethan and you were already checked out. Cute pics! Give me a call I want to come over and meet the little guy. 651-307-6998 Julie

Anonymous said...

congrats hun! I'm so happy for you guys! He's adorable! Jessica

Heidi Sue said...

Let's go mama - 1 week pictures?

Leslie said...

Hey you guys...Thanks for the update and pictures!!! I'm sure you are totally enjoying being a family right now, but if you ever come up for air email me. I would love to hear how things are going.
