Saturday, March 31, 2007

All work, no play!!

Here is baby O'Malley at 12 6/7wks!! It's been two weeks since the last ultrasound picture and I can't notice that the baby is any bigger even though I'm sure he/she is. The baby moves a ton now, so much fun to watch!! The very bottom picture is of the baby's little hand resting on its precious!
I am feeling so much better now, I haven't had to deal with nausea or vomiting for over a week. My energy level is on the rise as well, thank god!!! With this nice weather on the way I couldn't have asked for better timing to feel this fantastic.


Michelle Lindell said...

Cute! I loved to do my own ultrasounds, but I stopped after 13 weeks so I wouldn't see what it was. Are you going to find out?

Heidi Sue

tina and gary said...

I hope you will find out so I can start buying

Melissa and Derrick said...

Aww that baby is a cutie pie!! Can't wait to get another one too! We'll have to compare fun!! Glad your feeling better!