Earlier in the week we stopped by my grandma's house to visit for awhile and sort through pictures.

He sure missed his Great-Grandma

No one could believe how big Ethan has gotten since his last visit.

He is trying to make a call on his cell phone...superior concentration.

Look at that grin, I think he was calling his girlfriend

He thought it was so funny that mommy kept attempting to get a picture of his teeth. There was minimal cooperation involved.

There they are!! (The tooth on the right was the first to come in.) Since we are still actively nursing I always hear "ouch that must hurt." I would proceed to tell whom-ever that he's never really bit me. Well that HAS changed! I went home exhausted from my five night stretch and had one of the worst mornings ever. I was extremely full of milk, and Ethan was really hungry for his morning feeding. For some reason he was getting all worked up and we found ourselves in a viscous cycle of: 1)getting him latched on 2) he bites me 3) I scream 4) he cries 5) I calm him down and we start all over! This happened at least eight times, I almost had a breakdown. Thankfully we made it through that long and painful morning and haven't had any biting problems since, weird huh?!

Ethan's girlfriend
Jayda came to visit him on Wednesday! He likes older women...
Jayda was born in August '07.
Jayda is definitely a cutie.

Ethan seems more entertained with watching her play.

He eventually joined in and started playing too.

She doesn't need any silly boys trying to take her toy away!

Jayda decided to roll over the top of Ethan. He didn't cry, or even budge for that matter. It was by far the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!

Ethan eating pineapple for the first time. As I had promised earlier here are the pictures of him using the "baby safe feeder."

Sometimes its just as good to chew on the handle.
Yeeeah, he's pretty cool stuff!

For whatever reason have you, Ethan can't help but check out what's on TV...especially when daddy is playing his video games.

He looks so sleepy in this one.

What an adorable little face...bubbles and all!

Can you believe it?!

He is so strong, and loves to stand!

A slight case of bed head.

Sometimes the best part of the teething toy is the handle.


So sweet and innocent!